• Maya
  • Houdini
  • Arnold
  • Vray
  • Nuke

On the Apple TV show Ghostwriter, I had the exciting role of FX Supervisor, where I led a talented team of five artists. Our work on the show involved creating a wide array of magical effects that added to the show’s unique and mysterious atmosphere. One of the standout effects was the creation of a ghost orb that brought a spectral presence to life on screen. We also took on the challenge of integrating characters into CG environments, such as animating a piglet running across a bar full of straws, seamlessly blending the real and the fantastical.

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In addition to the more overtly magical elements, we also focused on subtler “invisible effects” that contributed to the eerie and enchanting tone of the show. These included delicate spiderwebs that added to the show’s haunted ambiance, a ghostly hand writing messages in a mound of salt, and a paper plane that mysteriously folded itself in mid-air.

Each of these effects required careful attention to detail and a deep understanding of the show’s narrative to ensure they enhanced the storytelling while remaining as believable as they were magical.

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